It believed that the factors related with surgery included gastric electrical rhythm disturbance, vagus nerve and sympathetic nerve injury in operation, secretion and regulation disorder of gastrointestinal hormone, and infection etc. 认为与手术有关的因素主要包括:胃电节律失常,手术损伤交感神经、迷走神经,胃肠道激素分泌和调节紊乱,感染等。
Results: Deficiency of Hot syndrome group: The sympathetic N. S. excited, adrenal cortex hormone release increased, ANAE%, PFC increased, NK cell activity decreased. 结果:虚热时交感神经兴奋,肾上腺皮质素释放增多,ANAE%,PFC空斑数增多,NK活性降低,血内纤维蛋白原增多。